Saturday, November 21, 2020


It's been kinda crazy. First, my youngest niece had to get tested. It was positive, so her parents and sisters got tested. My brother and sister in law are positive, the girls were negative. Then my other brother tested positive. Thought my parents, the baby and I would have to get tested but they said without symptoms not to because there's a limited amount of tests. Then today, my mom was talking on the phone and started crying like crazy. The older of my brothers went to the hospital because he couldn't breathe. We were so scared. They did a couple tests and gave him a steroid and prescription for an inhaler. Told him to go back if it got worse. I'm still very concerned about everyone. I've been praying. I really hope everyone gets better and nobody else gets sick. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


I'm struggling. But I'm doing my best to fight through it. It's been unseasonably warm lately, but that seems to be over. My thoughts are a bit scattered. I've been writing every night, although not as much as I need to in order to get a novel out by the end of the month. But that's okay, too. The world is strange. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Got to come home on my birthday. It was the best ever. Didn't do much yesterday. Today, kenzie and his mom came over for a while. It snowed a bit. Have a few appointments this week. Going to participate in nanowrimo. Today, Neil is two weeks old. I hope I'm good enough to be his mom. I'm trying to get better.