Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Went to the emergency room Saturday night for chest pain and vomiting. When they took my blood pressure, it was so high I thought I was going to die (200 on top). They put me in the ICU. They started me on oxygen and blood pressure medication, along with something for seizures. Monday, they transferred me to a regular room in the ante partum section. It's Wednesday and I'm still on oxygen. They weren't even going to let me shower. They have lowered it. I miss Neil so much. And kenzie wants to take him this weekend. What a joke. My neck hurts and they blew out my vein. I keep crying. This is so hard.

Sunday, October 18, 2020


At 7am, I officially became a mother. They induced me early because of preeclampsia. They started the process Friday night after I had a blood pressure that was too high. So I haven't had much sleep and little to eat this weekend. Not sure yet when we'll be able to go home. I'm still really sore and just want sleep, a shower, and some food. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020


Going to the dr every week now. About a month left, give or take. Really tired all the time. Tried to renew my medical because I got a letter saying I have to. I called them and they just said to fill out the paperwork. What a waste of time. I feel sick pretty much every day too. I've been reading. Had some problems with my blood pressure but it seems okay now. Sometimes it's hard to breathe. My skin is very unhappy. I want to cry and I'm just irritated with everything, especially him. And no I don't mean Neil or dad... Korra somehow got fleas. I usually find none but she's ripping her fur out. I could really go for someone to just hold me for a while, but I don't think that's a possibility.